PlanetRomeo Foundation
Rumah Pelangi Indonesia

Rumah Pelangi Indonesia

Rumah Pelangi Indonesia is an LGBTIQ+ organization from Indonesia. They build communities and carry out community-centered work.

LGBTIQ people in Indonesia face social and economic difficulties. For example, Rumah Pelangi Indonesia (RPI) recorded a total of 103 violence cases, experienced by the LGBTIQ community in Central Java.

We fund RPI to open shelter facilities for LGBTIQ people in Semarang. The shelters especially aim to provide a safe place for victims of violence. Our funding also enables them to buy furniture and other basic necessities for safe houses. Additionally, various types of training and other side activities take place at the shelters.

Rumah Pelangi Indonesia
Rumah Pelangi Indonesia

Shelter for Victims of SOGIESC-Based Violence
Grant awarded
€ 5,000 - Q4, 2018
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