PlanetRomeo Foundation


The Diversity Foundation Polistrefa aims at bringing diversity issues to the attention in Polish society.

In doing so, Polistrefa puts the main focus on its positive aspects and denounces the negative consequences of stereotyping minorities, such as the LGBT community. With PlanetRomeo Foundation funding, Polistrefa develops the Equal School project: 3 different, yet theme-connected workshops for 50 teachers and other school staff.

The topics that are being addressed in these workshops include human rights issues, explaining the negative effects of stereotypes and discrimination, homophobic bullying, how to create an inclusive safe learning environment, pracitical skills training and other relevant subject matter. In addition to the workshops, a manual will be developed. This will also be distributed to libraries, educational institutions and universities.

Fundacja Na Rzecz Różnorodnośi Polistrefa / The Diversity Foundation Polistrefa
Kraków, Poland

Equal School. Diversity Training for Teachers
Grant awarded
€ 4,682 - Q3, 2014
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