PlanetRomeo Foundation

Alternatives Cameroon

Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Cameroon and LGBTIs may even face imprisonment up to 15 years.

This forces LGBTIs to hide who they really are and live their (sexual) lives secretly. If people do find out, often this leads to rejection by family members.

For this reason, Alternatives Cameroon will set up a shelter for LGBTIs who are disowned by their own family or released from jail after imprisonment due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. The shelter will offer them a temporary home only. Alternatives Cameroon will guide them in a reintegration process by assisting them in finding employment, as well as offering mediation with family members.

Alternatives Cameroon
Douala, Cameroon

The Shelter Project
Grant awarded
€ 4,535 - Q4, 2015
Safety & Shelter
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